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St Martin's School

St Martin'sSchool

Term 6

Our Topic this term is entitled 'Life on Earth'.

Who was Charles Darwin?  Where are the Galapagos islands and who lives there? How have humans and animals changed over time? Children examine fossils to understand the stages of evolution over time. They will study the timeline of evolution and be able to show the main stage of human evolution: Australopithecus, homo-habilis, homo-erectus, homo-sapiens. As geographers we will study climate zones and biomes. Locating the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe, North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities

How can we tell a story through Art? Does all art have to be on paper? Working collaboratively we will create BIG Art installations, inspired by our Science learning and artists, who have overcome adversity to create an exhibition for visitors to explore which showcases our learning and understanding of Science, Geography and Art.


Y6 have started T6 with learning all about evolution, inheritance and the process of fossilisation. We have been really fortunate to have some amazing fossils loaned to us and the children can continue to bring their own collections in too. We've made our own fossils using the mould and cast process and are writing an explanation text about how fossils are formed. 


Take a trip to Folkestone Warren, if you'd like to try some fossil hunting.

We've been investigating spirals in nature and have been making our own and finally, we've started rehearsing for the performance, so keep learning your lines year 6!