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St Martin's School

St Martin'sSchool

Term 1

Our topic this term is entitled 'Healthy Living'.

What Does It Mean To Eat Healthy?

We will learn all the ways we can look after our bodies; from brushing our teeth like a dentist, to becoming a MasterChef and preparing a healthy meal for our families. We will consider a whole-body approach to healthy living. As spectacular scientists, we find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival and look at the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene. As historians, we travel back in time and think about what hospitals and health looked like before the rise of modern day nursing heroes. We will compare the lives of Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale and think about how they have contributed to society and explore the idea of legacy.


Healthy Living

During our learning lift off, we tried a range of activities all linked to our topic ‘Healthy Living’.  We tried foods from our own salad bar, calming yoga activities, used our senses to enjoy some essential oils and bath salts, and sorted foods into healthy and unhealthy. A great start to our topic!

We have also been exploring the effects of exercise on our bodies and expanding our vocabulary to describe how our bodies felt from energised, powerful and exhilarated during our running and jumping activities to peaceful, relaxed and serene during yoga. Super start to the term Dymchurch class. Well done!


Pasta Time!

Over the last few weeks Dymchurch class have been looking at what ingredients make a healthy meal, taste-testing salad items and making our own delicious, healthy pasta salads. Everyone enjoyed preparing their pasta dishes, but I think they enjoyed eating them even more!



In English, we have begun looking at poetry and will be writing our own autumn poem using our senses. We took part in an autumn walk through the grounds to see what signs of autumn we could see, hear, smell and feel and will be using this in our writing over the next few weeks.