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St Martin's School

St Martin'sSchool

Our Rules and Rewards


Our values are reflected in our school rules:


Be a Happy Hippo - have a positive outlook and do what you can to make others feel happy.

Be a Respectful Rhino - treat others with respect and respect property.

Be a Responsible Rabbit – remember that you are responsible for everything that you say and do. Act with honesty and integrity.

Be a Motivated Monkey – aim high and always put your best into everything you do.

Be a Courageous Cat -  take risks in your learning to challenge yourself. Have moral courage, making the right choices, even when this is difficult.






At St Martin’s School, we have a system of rewards in place to promote the highest expectations of our pupils. We encourage, praise and reward good behaviour through a variety of rewards which run through the school.


Class ‘Star Charts’

In every classroom, there is a visual display to encourage children to behave positively. Each child has a name peg that attaches to this display. All children begin the day on the sunshine. If a child consistently displays good behaviour and work ethic, their peg will be moved to the rainbow. In cases of exemplary behaviour, the child’s peg would then be moved from the rainbow onto the star. Children who end the day on the Star will be given a star sticker so that their success can be shared with parents/carers.


Individual Rewards

At times, praise may be given individually, either verbally or in the form of a sticker.


Certificates and Celebration Assemblies

Every Friday, children attend a weekly Celebration Assembly. During this assembly, certificates are awarded to children who have demonstrated our school values over the course of the week. Certificates may also be given to recognise pupil effort and achievement in curriculum areas such as reading, times tables, sport and other areas.


At the end of every term, a Golden Book Assembly is held to celebrate excellence, achievement and progress in all areas of learning. Golden Book certificates and other awards will be given at this time.  


Sharing Success with our Senior Leadership Team

Children displaying exemplary behaviour, learning or work ethic over the week may be sent to share this with a member of the Senior Leadership Team by attending ‘Hot Choc Friday’, whereby they will – as part of a small group of children - enjoy a hot chocolate with the Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher or a member of the school Leadership Team. (Milkshake may be used in the summer months.)


House Points

There are four houses at St Martin’s School: Rubies, Emeralds, Diamonds and Sapphires. Children can earn house points by displaying good teamwork skills and positive behaviour around the school. Points are collated and celebrated regularly during assemblies. Termly totals will also be shared on the school newsletter. There will be two house captains elected from Year 6 for each of the four houses. These house captains will help to promote positive behaviour, encouraging their house team to earn points. House captains also support in the running of events such as sports day and inter-house competitions within school.



Read more about our behaviour system in the policy below: