Kent Fire and Rescue Visit

Yesterday, we were visited by the Kent Fire and Rescue service!
Children in Years 1-6 took part in workshops led by Corinne from the Kent Fire and Rescue team yesterday. They learnt all about how to keep themselves and their homes safe at an age-appropriate level. The children listened well to our visitor and contributed thoughtfully to the discussions held, proving what Responsible Rabbits they are. Here's what some of them said about the visit:
"I found the talk really helpful because we are learning about the Great Fire of London and now we know how we can be safe so we don't have any great, big fires!"
"I learnt how to keep safe by testing my fire alarm, crawling on the floor if there's a fire and using the back of my hand to test if the door is hot before going through it in case the fire is in there."
"I didn't realise that electrics can start fires! Now I know not to overload plug sockets with lots of extension leads."